Task: Assign/Reassign a Body Worn Camera

Who has the permissions to perform task: Road Patrol Supervisors, and IT Personnel


Do you have the Axon DM App? If No, continue to the steps below before proceeding. If Yes, skip to Use of Application

  1. Download Axon Device Manager from the App Store (How to Download Axon DM)
  2. Launch the App once it has downloaded
  3. Evidence URL is lakecountyfl >Continue
  4. Enter your Windows Credentials
  5. If prompted - Allow the use of your camera

Use of Application

  1. Launch the Axon DM Application
  2. There are 2 options at the top > Select Scan Code
  3. On the backside of the body worn camera on the bottom right you will see a 2D code near the Axon symbol. Use the camera view window that launched when you chose Scan Code to read this information. 
    1. Hint: The code must be well lit and intact
  4. After the information is found by the application > Click "Done Scanning" It can be located at the bottom of the phone screen
  5. Click Assign > type in the person's ID or Last Name> Select their Information> Click Complete.
  6. Place the body worn camera back in the dock until their ID number appears on the LED screen.
  7. Send IT@lcso.org an email the following information: ID number, where the unusable camera is located, and what the camera was or was not doing.

Outcome: Body worn camera will be assigned to a person