Permissions: Any sworn officer at the jail can perform this action.

Log in to the LCSO Intranet and open the Admin/Protective Custody web application. 

Click Add Inmate and enter the inmate's basic info on the following prompt:

This will open a page with details about the inmate's prior confinements, and you can click Add Confinement.

Note: If this inmate number has been entered in the system previously, the matching inmate's record of confinement will be pulled up; a duplicate will not be created.

Enter the details about this inmate's confinement, such as the date/time and reason for confinement.

Click Save to be able to return and complete this entry later.
Click Sign to mark the confinement entry as ready for supervisor approval (locks to prevent editing).

When submitting the confinement for approval, the submitting officer must select an approver from the list of Jail Supervisors to be notified by email.
The requested approver is provide with a direct link to the approval in their email notification, to expedite the approval process.

Note: Any supervisor at the jail can approve confinements; it is not limited to the requested approver (e.g. if they are no longer available). 

How to Approve a Confinement

More information about this web app is available here.