1. Log in to Intranet > Employee > Munis PROD. Your login will single-sign-on via your LCSO email address and Windows password (20 char).
2. Navigate to Department Functions > Requisition Entry
Hint: You can save commonly used features of Munis as a favorite, by right clicking on the menu item.
3. Click the Green + for adding a new requisition.
4. Select your Dept/Loc, which can be found in the list (...)
HINT: Use tab to navigate through the following fields.
5. Requisition # will autogenerate as soon as you tab into the field. No changes needed here.
6. General description needs to be filled out. What are you purchasing?
7. Vendor will need to be found (if we have ordered from them before, they should already be in the list). Click on the (...), and just click accept (searching may be non-intuitive, so simply getting a list of all vendors may be easiest). Find the vendor that we are buying from.
This list is really long, so using the Filter option at the bottom will help you find what you are looking for. The search feature (at the top) in Munis does not work well, but the filter at the bottom does. Then Accept the vendor, which will take you back to the main entry screen.
8. Under shipping information, make sure to complete Reference with your name.
*Shipping address for most dept/locations will likely be Property's warehouse location. This should pre-fill from your selection of Dept/Loc.
9. Continue pressing tab to navigate to the Terms/Misc page next:
10. Type your LCSO ID# under Buyer, and tab. Your name should auto-populate from the lookup.
11. Make sure that "Notify originator when converted to PO/Contract" is checked.
Tab through the rest of this page, and you will get to the line item entry screen. Each line item of the Quote will need to be entered as a line item.
12. For each line item, enter the Quantity, cost per, an item description, the Manufacturer and Part/Item number.
For 'Requested By' and 'Receipt notification to', enter your ID# and tab.
13. Make sure to complete the Org and Obj codes. Org code should auto-populate when you tab into it, and Obj will need to be selected from the list (...)
Only in rare circumstances do we use the Project code. You should have been directed to use a Project code if applicable, otherwise just complete Org and Obj.
14. After completing one line item, and clicking accept, you get the option to Add (Green +) if there are additional line items to enter. Repeat until the quote is entered completely, then click the back button to return to the main entry screen.
You should see your line items that you entered:
15. Attach the Vendor Quote, using the Attach menu option at the top:
After adding attachment(s), click Back to return to the main entry screen.
16. Double-check that the total cost in the requisition is the same as the total on the vendor quote.
17. You are now ready to Release the requisition for approval: (top right menu items)
Your Requisition Entry is complete. After you click Release, the request will go through several steps of approval before the purchase is ready to complete.